Hi, this is Andrew Pancholi.
Welcome to you all from The Alt Monie Show with Sonia Dumas, Doug Lehman & myself!
Welcome also to the world of market timing which will give you a distinct advantage in all your trading and investing.
You can get full access to our timing system through The Market Timing Report.
If you want to learn how to trade and invest successfully with minimal effort, please refer to our section below on The Market Timing Report Trading Course.
If you really want to get ahead of the game & want to know what the smart money is doing, please also go to the section on The Master Traders Course and Professional Platform.
We look forward to you joining us inside the inner circle.
Wishing you successful investing & trading,
Andrew Pancholi
Our flagship product. The forthcoming key turning points on S&P500, Gold, Bitcoin, Crude Oil, Dollar Index and Euro are all condensed into this single monthly report.
Our Profit Finding Oracle System is used by some of the world's biggest hedge funds all the way to many individual traders and investors.
This is full trading course that is designed to take you from a beginner level all the way up to a professional trader.
The first section covers super long term cycles showing how all the boom and busts occur.
The second part then teaches all the techniques you need to be successful – including identification of price entry and exit targets & risk management.
Risk management is the key to successful trading and investing.
You will also learn a very rare technique that enables you to identify where final lows and highs are likely to come in.
Discover the very same techniques that Mr Pancholi uses to manage the hedge fund that he runs.
This course works particularly well with market timing but can be used as a standalone course.
Become the smart money.
This is legal insider information & gives you an unfair advantage about which markets are about to move & in which direction.
This keeps you well ahead of the game.
You will learn the seasonal patterns of over 40 markets. This alone gives you a clear trading advantage. Then we teach you how to read what the smart money is doing. This will enable you to know if seasonality is going to work this year.
A selection of courses that explains how to combine Commitments of Traders Data (CoT) with seasonality. You will also receive 6 additional FX weekly cycle sets. The other 6 are S&P500, Oil, Gold, DX, EUR, BTC as covered in the monthly Market Timing Report.
These weekly time cycles are the most valuable part as these are proprietary to us. It is these that really give you the ultimate edge with timing the CoT data and Seasonality.
You also receive access to our proprietary platform, which is updated weekly.
Enhance your own trading and investing systems or use it alongside our MTR Trading Course.
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